27 September 2012

Innovation: Computer

Enhancement: What does this technology do? This innovation allows people to work more efficiently, access large amounts of information, socialize, shop, listen to music, and access people from all over the world.
Obsolete: This innovation replaced
many former technologies, as well as the personal contact that people had with one another.  Additionally, this technology replaced record players, radios, and 8 track tape players.

Retrieve/Rekindle: This innovation brings back the connection to the radio, record players, and 8 track tape players.
Reverse: Unknown. This innovation has become a part of our everyday lives and the continual upgrades to make it
smaller and faster will likely occur in the future.

1.     What does this technology do? This innovation has replaced jobs by offering efficiencies to users. Additionally, this technology has replaced record players, radios, and other music sources by digitally creating transportable and accessible forms of music.
2.     What does this technology replace? This innovation replaces record players, tape recorders, radios, and tape players.

3.     What does this technology bring to mind from the past? This technology brings back music from the past that has been heard on radios, record players, and tape players.

4.     What might replace this technology in the future, or what might it cause to occur? It is unlikely this technology will be replaced anytime soon because of the role it plays in our everyday lives. It is likely this technology will continually become smaller and faster.


DOprish said...

Something that I overlooked, but you refer to, is the fact that the computer allows us to work more efficiently. Yes, the computer allows us to do more, but the key is that we can do more, more efficiently.

Another point you make is that the computer is partly to blame for our lessened degree of personal contact. I agree, to a point. Some of us have even more personal contact, given the growing popularity of the social networking sites. We may not see one another or verbalize (speak using our vocal chords), but there is still much contact.

eonline said...

You make several fine points about the future and direction of the computer. It is possible that we overlooked man's overwhelming drive for immortality. I have to ask myself whether these new devices and global networking will lead to peace and harmony as a civilization or will create technology that will eventually replace man??? The computer is a device that appears to harness great power and control over our lives through human intervention. However, technology is approaching levels that do not require human assistance , anticipate human throught and reactions. I see this as a possible danger in the future .