23 July 2012



My network has changed the way I learn because it offers me instant and accessible resources from around the world. For instance, blogs that I follow allow me to read about educational trends that are happening across the globe from a diverse group of experts in the field.  Additionally, my network has allowed me to learn both formally and informally through videos, podcasts, and social networking sites. However, while creating my mind map, I realized that I need to seek out personalized learning communities to join. Becoming a member of a learning community allows me access to others and encourages me to engage in dialogue and use my voice.
            My favorite digital tools that foster learning are Camtasia; Snag it, and IMovie technology.  Since I enrolled at Walden University, my interest in the area of audio and video technology has flourished.  Prior to my enrollment in the Educational Technology program, I did not know these tools existed and had never used them in the classroom. However, I am now able to incorporate this technology into coursework so that students can learn how to utilize these digital tools.  Additionally, I fully utilize my IPad and IPhone to access anytime, anywhere information and resources.
Currently, I use tutorials, blogs, search engines and mobile technology to answer questions and glean new knowledge.

Classmate’s blogs I posted to:
Wojoedtech.blogspot.com (Laura)
Learningsquared.blogspot.com (Seane)